Thursday, 3 January 2013


Hi guys thanks for following the few escapades I have been posting on here,in the course of my narratives I will be posting most of the incidents which occurred during my teenage years to my early twenties.i have posted a couple of incidents which occurred during my early s s one and also after my school certificate.

The incident I am about to share occurred during the time i was in s.s. three,from the past narratives you would have gotten the gist of my inexperience and how I was able to learn slowly but surely about the mysteries of sex and pleasing a woman, however at the time of this particular incident me and my friends were experimenting but mostly with girls of our age group. it was the time of going to countless house parties,where you met a lot of girls who were also in secondary school many of the girls wanted to experiment too so there was a lot of sex and smooches going on..I was lucky because I could steal a car from home as soon as my parents travelled which they did almost every weekend,if I were to start sharing all the escapades I had been on to with girls from Methodist girls high school,queens college,Reagan high school,few from Atlantic hall,adebayo mokuolu,ifako international,command secondary school,and the best federal government girls college and even others I have not mentioned the whole of nairaland threads will be filled up and stories go still yapa plenty..

Anyway I digress,back to the Koko,during the first holidays we got after I got promoted to s s s three like I said we were experimenting with sex,discovering the hidden mysteries of the complex female body and being teenagers our testosterone was going through the roof apart from the escapades I have shared others I am yet to share are the ones involving our female housemaids and girls in my neighbourhood however these will come much later on.

Leonard a friend of mine who lives two streets away from me rushed down to a games arcade where we all hung out one day breathing heavily and excited .We(my friends and i) were all puzzled and pondering why he was that excited they started peppering him with questions but he didn't answer at first,me and him had an appointment to see each other earlier as he had to escort me to see a girl in g.r.a area but he didn't show up so I was pissed with him over that.due to this reason I didn't respond to him immediately as the three other guys were asking him questions..after a couple of minutes what he blurted out brought Christmas and baba ijebu lottery together for us… even I moved closer forgetting my beef with him.. A calabar man who was his dad's tenant was something of an informal domestic servants employment agency,the man helps restaurants and private homes arrange housemaids and cooks from calabar and gets his commission from it.due to this reason a lot of parents or family from his hometown will hand over their daughters to him to get them a job some got jobs as soon as they got to Lagos while some had to stay with him for weeks or months until they were able to find a place.some on the other hand get sent away by their employers for one offence or the other or they left their employers for one reason or the other hence return back to.Mr boniface until he was able to settle their issues or fix them up somewhere else. 

The news leonard or levy as he always wanted us and everyone to call him brought to us was that mr boniface who had recently travelled to his hometown just came back a couple of days ago with a fresh shipment of about ten girls,we had always planned to enter the zone but the problem is that most of his girls never stayed more than one or two weeks before being taken to their place of employment so even a girl that was up for sex will not stay long enough which frustrated us and made us give up until he brought this news..

Me and two of my friends a yoruba boy called ade and another ibo or south south boy called ejiro(not sure where he is from exactly)Made plans to meet up behind. lexy's house to map out and plan the commencement of our mission..this time around even if the girls spent only 1 day we will make sure we enter those innocent,fresh zones which was still free from bad lagos guys.. the area behind levy's fathers house was always quiet and deserted anytime from seven pm in the evening making it suitable for our six pm we were already in front of their house playing and using style to check the girls out at a point leonard's mum came out and seeing me especially still out at that time asked if i won't start going back home but i told her everyone knew i was here lying off my face lol,the girls too seeing Lagos boys started going to and fro swinging their butts and showing themselves so we knew that we are in for a good time.Most of the girls having just come from the village had ill fitting clothes on,with their hair unkempt so many will not bother to wear a bra or wear clothes that will expose some vital statistics without knowing if you see some calabar girls bosoms your Joystick will rise up and sing right there and then…they dont normally have big bosoms as in most of them but the bosom will always be moderate but stand erect especially the younger ones and they dont pretend like other girls from my experience with these girls…

I refused to go back home to eat all day because that mission was more important than any food,as soon as it was past seven we started to use style to sneak into the backyard one after the other as we waited behind the gee pee tank at the backyard near the clothes line,lexy sharp guy who had already spoken to one of the girls already he came to inform us had sent a small boy in their compound to call the girl. He had asked her to come and meet him behind the gee pee tank,after about twenty minutes of us waiting the girl finally approached quietly ,as she saw us she raised her hands greeting us shyly and moved to the far corner to be able to speak to levy...after some minutes of them both whispering she hurriedly left running off while badt guy came back to join us with a smile.He informed us that he had made all the plans with her but the problem was that they were only free at night when Mr boniface would have slept off,i forgot to mention that Mr boniface was probably the most unfriendly and wicked man in their compound at least from the eyes of us teenagers,i will never forgive him because he was the one that caught me smoking and made sure he informed my mum,i thank GOD that she didn't tell my dad because only GOD knows if i would have grown another head…sometimes back then i used to wonder if this was the same dad who was gentle with us while growing up who has now changed..
All our plans was set in motion, we began to plot ways which we could use to arrange our night sex party,for me our gates are locked as soon as its 10.30pm after night devotion which all the family were present for if I wanted to be present In the film I had to look for a way round that particular nice as my dad can be you don't want to experience his anger..

The next few days we made plans and arranged how to make our escapade work,first of all I started to regularly bribe our gateman that resumes for the night watch so I knew when it came to the time I won't have any problem sneaking out i also caught him in the small security cubicle with a small girl that hawks boiled ground nuts so i know he won't dare say no or else i will expose him.My friend lexy informed us that there was a vacant one bedroom self contained which his father had placed a to let sign on he has already been getting offers and prospective tenants but they are yet to make payment so it's still vacant,besides they were doing some renovations in the kitchen and toilet but it will be adequate for our plans.One Sunday during the church service when everyone was away I sneaked back home and got two old mattress from our store with the help of my friends standing behind our fence I rolled both up and threw it over the fence which they took back to our "slaughter house" then the d day we had arranged came,in addition to the small bribe out of my pocket money I gave the baba gateman I also arranged to bring food to him as well regularly, before I informed him that I will be sneaking out later that night he refused to open the gate in case someone in the house discovered I had sneaked out and the whole problem landed on his head but he showed me a hidden part of the fence where he said my elder brothers and sisters regularly used, where I could climb over and jump down to a darkened path leading out to the main road..

While the night devotion was going on my mind was on calabar girls i pray the lord will forgive me because all i was seeing inside the book of psalms was the ripe and fresh bosoms and the light complexion innocent laps and some strong bouncing bottoms i couldn't concentrate because of the hard on i had even during morning devotion until my mum gave me a sharp look with the corner of her eye which meant"last warning", after night devotion we all said goodnight and i quickly picked race to the roomI pretended as if I was asleep until my mum did the last check and went to bed, then I sneaked downstairs and followed baba gate's instruction as I climbed over the fence and put my leg through the small spaces in the middle of the blocks until I alighted on the other side with scratches all over my arms and knees bleeding I didn't care one bit as long as I was getting some sex that night from calabar girls.

When I got to the place we had arranged to meet ade was already there,after about ten minutes the other one ejiro arrived and we made our way to the second street where lexy "the landlord" was.We saw him hiding behind a kiosk waiting for us,as soon as he saw us he emerged and quickly came to meet us luckily they don't have a gate man and there was no light so it was easy to sneak into the compound towards the self contained apartment as he opened the padlock and let us in,looking around to see if anyone was coming, we shut the door back and lay down on the mattress my hard on was already threatening to perforate my jeans trousers.My imaginations and plans put my Joystick under so much strain that at a point it began to be really painful and I had to use my hands to massage it through the fabric of the jeans, me and my friends started whispering how we will do it and what we will do in the darkness we didn't even mind the mosquitoes and the dirty state of the room we waited for what seemed like ages and then our friend came back,he whispered that the girls are getting ready and that his own girl said we shouldn't put on any light to see their faces or else they won't do anything,personally I don't care even if they wanted to wear masks as long as they are Unclad from the neck down so I agreed quick and urged the others to agree or we will send whoever does not agree out..later about fifteen to twenty minutes we heard soft gentle shuffling s at the door and the girls began to sneak in one after the other led by lexy's girl the same one that came to meet him in our presence behind the tanker,we could hardly recognise their features,the only thing we could make out was if they were slim or big as they came in they all sat down huddled together on one small part of the bed..giggling and speaking their language in low voices.

I wasn't a very bold person by nature although I wasn't shy anymore like I used to be when I was in j.s.s but when it comes to sex especially knowing that there is no need to chat and toast I was as bold as a lion,so unsurprisingly I was the first person even before leonard our host and landlord to draw one of the girls hands and he slowly moved to my side in a corner of the mattress as the others gathered liver and began to do the same very soon you couldn't hear any south but soft kissing and some moanings in different corners..