Hi there,thanks for your patience and i am sorry i was not able to update earlier on you know how it is with office environment.here is the beginning of the weekend paroles with aunty Agnes…
To recap where i ended yesterday,I related the brief episode when aunty Agnes surprised me with her curious and genius lying to my mum concerning a non existent Christian youth weekend gathering which she wanted to take me and some friends to..in addition I also related how she told my mum to give me 8,000 naira all this she told me on Thursday preceding the weekend she had planned and chosen a couple of days after our sex on the dark stretch of road which was the previous Friday evening..
Anyway,Friday morning before my mum left for her business,she called me and told me about the youth gathering aunty Agnes will be taking me to as she rummaged in her purse and brought out some 500naira notes she passed the money to me and warned me to be on my best behaviour and not to disgrace her and my dad at the gathering I already knew how much it was without counting it but I was surprised when she said that's ten thousand naira,two thousand more than aunty Agnes had requested for meaning she had absolutely no suspicions..I refrained from quickly snatching the money from her but restrained myself and nodded with an audible frown as if I was disappointed to be spending my weekend in a Christian gathering knowing my mum if I acted happy she will immediately suspect I was up to something and might dig further,with that she turned round and went downstairs and her car left the compound..I turned and made for my room to start preparing as one of my elder brothers who was still at home heard part of my conversation with mum and when she passed me the money,he looked on at me as I rushed into my room trying to figure out what scam I was running to get ten thousand off mum on a weekend for that matter..I kept a straight face mouth shut and walked straight into my room rushing in like I said without looking at him and he lost interest and moved on as it was obvious I was not going to say anything.
I did not know what plans aunty Agnes had so I just mixed up a couple of clothes and dumped them in my back pack,we had not been doing much texting all week and none since her call the day before telling me about the impromptu weekend away so I had no indication at all of her plans..throughout the day being a Friday a friend of mine fela came around to my house and we both hung out a bit before leaving for another friends house and then ended up at a games arcade/pool joint,I tried not to think of my impending weekend away with aunty Agnes so that I don't get nervous around two pm or thereabouts aunty Agnes started to send me a couple of texts telling me the time she was going to pick me up at the gate of our compound and asking if I was ready to "ride the rainbow" whatever that means we continued to exchange texts full of sexual innuendo coded of course..I did not save her name with her real name on my phone but put mystery girl ..the girl to put anyone off the fact that I was really texting and chatting with a woman...after a couple of hours I said bye to my friends and made the short distance back home to wait for aunty Agnes around half six on the dot she parked in front of our gates outside and honked her car horn,as soon as I heard from afar I rushed out of my room with my back pack and downstairs exiting the gate to the waiting car,her face lit up as she saw me and I got in her car she was dressed up in her usual conservative corporate style with no jewel rises or make up hair tied back simply.
We first ended up at an eatery around ikorodu road area and had some rice and takeaway snacks,obviously my sugar mummy paid which was cool with me my ten thousand safely sleeping in my pocket lol
Later on she started driving first along the road towards surulere,each time I asked her where we were going she just smiled mischievously and bid me to be patient later on we got on the third mainland bridge towards the island so I knew we were at least going to the island I sat back and enjoyed the sights as she sped along,eventually after about an hour we got to Victoria island and still she was driving along,I became intrigued as to where we were going but I did not ask any questions again..around past eight we went past the lekki phase one roundabout and was still speeding along eventually we ended up in Osapa London I knew this because I have friends from same school who lived around there and my eldest brother lives in lekki phase one with his wife so I visit often..
After going through some streets and puddles of water she stopped in front of a one story building and pressed the horn briefly a security guard opened the gate and poked his head out,as soon as he saw the car his face lit up in recognition and he quickly opened the gate wide for us to enter in,I was still wondering what was happening asking myself if this woman had a secret life I didn't know about?
As she drove into a small narrow parking bay she parked behind another car and a Toyota 4runner jeep,she looked sideways at me with a smile and said we r home...I looked at her questioning ly but got my back pack and waited outside for her to lock up and lead the way..
When she got out and locked her car door she led the way towards the far side and stopped at a burglary proofed door opening the padlocks and then the wooden door I side which opened up into a very nice apartment as she switched on the lights i could see a very nice apartment but with no furniture just a single brand new three seater still with the plastic covering ,the floor was recently rugged and there was a small television she looked at me and announced with her hands held wide..my new apartment and you are the first person who knows and the very first guest what do you think? I looked around the living room and told her that it looked really nice which I really meant because it was really nice..I began to understand her plans and what she had been planning although I could not understand the details as yet as I settled down in the living room switching on the tv she went in to change a couple of minutes later she came back in the living room when I saw what she had on my mouth dropped open with surprise...she had another really sexy underwear on it was a red lingerie halfway up to her waist it was transparent and it was obvious that she was not wearing a bra,the only other item of clothing she had on was matching thongs in red and a high heeled silver coloured shoes...she posed as if she wanted to take a photo looked at me with half closed eyes and said....you like..?
I momentarily forgot about the tv I was watching for a minute,fixated on the lovely sight in front of me,this side of aunty Agnes which I have never seen before but I think I am going to like as I felt a warmth rushing through my blood stream ending up with a rush of blood to my head and a burst of erotic adrenaline through my dick with cause it to slowly rise up in acknowledgement of the sight the only thought that passed through my head was that if this is the youth gathering I have been invited to for two days then I will gladly participate and will make sure I don't fail in my responsibilities...
Sweet youth gathering
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