Friday, 28 December 2012


Hi everyone,I trust you all had an awesome Christmas celebrations... before Xmas,I was planning to post the next narrative about my escapade with a born again big aunty in my neighbourhood then my holiday sex feast and first experience of an orgy with some calabar/akwaibom girls in my friend's house during an holiday.
However i changed my mind due to a chance encounter one of my friends had.During Boxing Day while out and about I met an old school mate from secondary school,while catching up on old times he reminded me of a youth corps member who he came across recently at the GT bank branch where he works this resulted in a flash back of my experience with the female youth corper who was serving as a teacher before I left secondary school.

I and everyone else in my family have always attended private schools,i am not trying to show off but just to put my very first experience in the readers perspective i am trying to make everyone see my experiences from my own eyes rather than an objective third party view before i continue i will also like to stress that i have nothing against public schools and through my three years plus in this school i made some friends who I'm still close to till today.For my nursery primary school I schooled at  Lara day in adeniyi jones and then finished in chrisland,after primary school my dad had the wild idea that (a particular state school which was formerly owned by churches which shall remain unnamed)would be a nice contrast for me as he had some friends who were old students of the school and they told him it was one of the top public schools,moreover the principal also happened to be his junior while they were in school and he also assured him that i would get quality education,this was how I ended up being enrolled in this boys only secondary school,none of my siblings had attended public school so there was no one I could turn to for advice on what to do or how to act when i arrived there....on the very first day when the driver took me to the school we were parked in front of the principal's office while my dad's staff that brought me there was inside sorting out the necessary paper work before i resumed for classes. I was looking around in the car and happened to see one male teacher thrashing a student seriously with a long cane as the student was facing the wall, to be honest I have never experienced caning before so I was really really scared  the fright was not just for the thrashing the student was receiving but due to the uniform we wore.The junior students in the school  wear shorts while the senior students,prefects wore trousers and long sleeved shirt.

Soon as I resumed classes, I made well damn sure that I steered clear of any teacher with a cane male or female old or young lol and didn't give them any opportunity at all to even know me talk less of having any reason to cane me..I was what most people would call a geek I wore tortoise shell spectacles to read, my uniforms are always tucked in with my brown leather sandals and my back pack, I don't participate in any sports again because the games master was the man I told you before was caning a student so I wasn't going to take any chance besides anybody who has schooled in almost all public secondary school in lagos will testify that there is no inter house sports or school activities where you won't find a group of older area boys who will lie in wait for students and then start to take money,shoes and stuffs off you n fact i have been a victim a couple of times..on inter house sports days and other school activities I jumped straight in the car as soon as the driver arrived to pick me up and anytime we had a free period as we often did I would be reading a novel head bent down on my desk by the window. I didn't mix with the other students not because I was being a snob but I just didn't understand their jokes and the stuffs they said.. an average student in my class would be talking about Fuji music,obesere and how to go meet his mum in her shop after school or when two people start fighting over a small argument fists flying and blood all a sentence I was near invisible the first three years of j.s.s  not only that I got bullied a couple of times,looking back now I would say I was like a lamb being thrown into a lions den..I complained to my dad after j.s.s two but he tried to change my school but again he was advices to let me finish jss there then he could change to private wich we eventually did but not before the incident I am about to share…

In my last year of j.s.s a female youth corper was drafted to the school,she was a teacher(obviously lol) and my class was one of the classes she taught english literature,while I was not like a genius academically I was a solid above average 60% student if I am asked a question I will answer but I won't raise my hand up or make myself noticed in any way this really helped me a lot because I escaped getting caned and no teacher knew me although I got caned a few times through no fault of my own but because the whole class did something wrong and some sadistic teachers decided to punish the whole class..anyway  as I was saying I continued in this way till this corper turned up to start teaching in our class..the first thing everyone noticed about her apart for being young was that she was really attractive,she was also cool laid back and approachable most teachers were not seen hanging out with students especially being a boys only school but she didn't mind and you would often see like three or four students mostly the seniors crowding round her as far as I was concerned attractive or not all I wanted was to serve my remaining sentence in that school and go finish my education in a proper secondary school...I was a really short kid while in primary school and up to jss two but I started growing rapidly from late jss two to jss three and I was a really cute kid as well without blowing my own trumpet other family members agreed with this and said I was everyone's favourite baby till I grew up.

The  youth corper's subject was the last  on Friday before we all rounded up to go home for the weekend,so I was really looking forward to the weekend and all the fun I will have soon as I left school but as soon as the teacher finished she approached my desk and asked me to see her in the staff I said I am deathly scared of every single teacher and no one knows me neither has any teacher ever singled me out.. so on my way to her office my mind was in turmoil with a mixture of anxiety,trepidation,fright,and soon as I approached her corner desk  and she smiled disarmingly at me asking me to sit down,my first time of doing so in the dreaded staff room I became a bit calmer and my mind settled all the other teachers had  left being a Friday and it was just the two of us..she told me she had always noticed I don't mix with other students and was always reading novels she loved novels as well and we started talking about novels.According to her while she was marking our class exercise and home works she recollected having come across my last name somewhere recently until seesaw it was in an old tribune dad used to be active in politics and was also interviewed once or twice by some reporters on his line of business which he is known with,she came across his interview in the said newspaper and put 2+2 together but called me to her office to confirm.. She asked me about my family generally and encouraged me to try and mix with other students,she also told me to join the literary and debating society with that she gave me a meat pie and I left,since I got smacked for eating outside while very young I find it difficult to take food or anything from anyone so I threw the meat pie in the bin soon as I was outside the school in the car on my way home…

Me and the teacher became fast friends,and she actually hooked me up with another student who was in a different class but we shared similar interests. His dad was a justice and an old student of the school and he had similar reasons as me for ending up in the school..the last one in our group was a guy who arrived from the United States with his parents till today I have absolutely no idea why they brought him to such a school but he became one of us and we three finished jss..we had the jss examinations and thereafter left for the long vacations..during the long vacations me and my friends both the afore mentioned,and my friends from church and the neighbourhood started to experiment in trying so many stuffs we tried smoking for the first time during this time,scaled the fence to go out to parties took a car out to parties drank alcohol e.t.c and every other bad things teenagers get up to that you can think of.

So many changes came over me during this long vacation,my personality was totally changed the shy geek with the glasses transformed into a fairly confident teen,who has now stopped using specs, I could now summon the courage and chat girls up now but not if they are in a group o lol,I learnt how to drive however the most noticeable change which most people noticed about me was my growth. I had grown to about 5ft 7in within the long vacation but I was still slim even till now,my dick which looked normal(at least that's what I thought)had developed more including  a much more denser pubic hair  including a much deeper and matured i stated before my admission into a private s school was being arranged but somehow (still not sure what happened exactly)I resumed again at the public school after the long vacation although my other admission was getting to the advanced stage according to the little i was told. I had do the necessary exams and interviews so I was not worried I would be spending a long time in the public school.

So I resumed back in the old school now as a brand new ss1 student having passed my examination.Even though i did not know how long i will be before getting transferred to the new school i made sure i got my way and sewed my "senior trousers" as my mum and siblings and everyone was tabbing me….na una know all i know is that I'm a senior lol.. I had made  new friends from other schools that I met during the times we went to the parties,beach parties Lagos country club and ikoyi club paroles e.t.c my old friends who I hung out with were also there,they had changed as well although we hung out during the holidays and went to some house parties..

When the teacher saw me I was surprised by her re action,I expected a teacher student greeting but was surprised how she greeted me.We had a small snacks place not far from the school where most people like to eat and drink,I had just bought some snacks for me and my friends and on my way out while the teacher was going in,as soon as she saw me she didn't exactly shout but made a small exclamation remarking on how much I have changed she grabbed me and gave me a massive hug, most times she wears her nysc khaki shirt over her  white green tinged tee shirt  with the bold nysc logo and skirts or denim trousers with the boot but this day she only had her tee shirt on with a tight pair of she hugged me I could feel the warm softness of her breasts  pressing against my chest she held me for a few seconds longer than normal(in my opinion lol) which got my mind and hormones raging like a bull on drugs or she released me we exchanged a few words and she gave me a peck on the cheek,as she told me to make sure I see her during the long break and we parted.. as I got to the door I turned round and caught her looking back at me to my eternal embarrassment...I left elated and in a light headed state of euphoria,I was floating not walking.. I felt like the coolest teen in the world everyone who met me did not understand the reason for the spring in my steps,my new swagger...the teacher every single student including seniors and prefects had a crush on not only hugged me but gave me a peck..the cherry on the cake? I was going to hang out with her even if it was only for a couple of minutes..